Monday 16 April 2012

Chapter 10 - Gen 5 - Amber

I felt like my life was official over, my nightmare has just turned into a horror show, when the nurse told us there was more than one baby I just wanted to die.  We walked out of the hospital with not one baby but two babies,  a boy and a girl.   Bradey was overjoyed jumping around like an excited child.  I had hoped that holding my second child would "fix" my problem, but it didn't it just made it worse!!

"Amber you are quiet, are you ok?"
"I am just tired."  That is always my excuse these days and after what I had just been through I knew it would work and he wouldn't question me any more.

On arriving home Dixie and Dad started fussing, but the baby I was holding started screaming and the only thing I could do to shut it up was stick a bottle in his mouth, and stood there waiting for what seemed like an eternity for it to finish drinking so that I could put it in its cot and get away from it.

Bradey named the babies, the girl he called Haromony, she is Genius and Perceptive and the boy he called Lyric, he is Genius and Athletic.  They must obviously both have get their Genius trait from their Dad because it definitely wasn't coming from me.

I felt an instant relief when I had put Lyric in his crib, Bradey must have noticed me hand on back pulling faces and started to massage my back, little did he know that the face pulling was at the baby and not because of my back.

I liked it that he was fussing over me for a change and not the babies, and I let things go a little too far, in fact it was my fault, it went as far as it did.

"You should have a lie down, take a nap."
"Come with me, I am not so tired now."

We left Dad fussing over the babies while we ran off to the bedroom - STUPIDLY - taking no precautions at all!!  As soon as it was over I realised I had just made the stupidest mistake of my life.

There was no fighting this time between Dad and Bradey they had a baby each, but it was like with Melody, the minute that Harmony or Lyric cried one of them was there. I didn't have to do a thing and sloped away quietly to my easel again, away from the smelly nappies and their hungry cries.

It was Dad's birthday, it kind of crept up on us, even on  him, we had totally forgotten about it.  So now he is a mature adult.

Besides a few more wrinkles he doesn't look any different, although he is now having a mid life crisis and he is acting a little strangely, and did or nearly did something pretty stupid.

Things went a little mad, and the day didn't start too good, I felt pretty ill and I knew the first time I threw up in the garden that I was pregnant again.

Bradey saw me throwing up and came to ask me if I was ok.  I lost it with him and pushed him away when he went to hug me.

"You are an Idiot, don't touch me!!"
"You, you have done it again, haven't you!!
"Done what?"
"I'm pregnant again, and its all your fault!!"

"What is the matter with you, I know you haven't been yourself lately, but this is stupid!!"
"Why is it stupid, I am pregnant AGAIN and I don't want to be, I don't want another baby!!"

Nothing else was said, I ran off to throw up again and he didn't come after me like I thought he might, he went into look after the babies needs instead.

by Bradley

"She is getting worse you know Cain, giving her time is not working!!"
"Maybe one of us needs to sit down and talk to her."
"Maybe, but she is pretty mad with me at the minute, I think at the moment it should be you."
"Why is she mad with you?"
"She thinks she is pregnant again and not happy about it."
"ALREADY  - You idiot!!"
"Yeah that is exactly what she said!!"

Cain said he needed to get out for a while, he was going a little stir crazy and said he was going to go and relax for a few hours in the park, maybe the fresh air would help him to think, we needed to do something about Amber and her strange behaviour.  She had said nothing to either of us but she didn't need to, we both knew from the day that Melody was born she changed, at first Cain thought it might be a bit of post natal depression and thought giving her time away from the baby would help her and she would come round eventually.  She didn't, it has just gotten worse, she has not once touched Melody since the day she arrived, she does her damn best to avoid her at all costs, she thinks we can't see what she is doing, but we do.

When the second pregnancy happened we hope that maybe she might treat it differently and the baby, so we sat back and left her to get on with it, our first mistake being we let it carry on when we should have acted on it straight away, we quickly realised when the twins arrived that this pregnancy was way too soon after Melody and I should never have even entertained having any more children until Amber was right, and Amber was far from right.  The arrival of the twins just made her a whole lot worse, because not only has she still not been anywhere near Melody, she is treating the twins in exactly the same way.

Now stupidly, and I could kick myself because for one stupid moment, the situation has been made a whole lot worse by a third accidental pregnancy and Amber is showing signs of cracking, she lost her temper with me for the first time ever and made it perfectly clear she didn't want this pregnancy or the baby.  I should never have let it go this far or left it this long when I could see she was struggling.

Those few hours that Cain said he would be out, actually turned into a lot longer, he was out all day.   I was sat here trying to read but not really concentrating, wandering if he was taking so long because he was struggling with this situation as much as I was, and didn't know what was the best thing to do like I didn't.

My phone started ringing, which irritated me because it had woken Melody.  While I could hear Melody screaming I had an angry Brice yelling at me down the phone.

"Bradey, get your backside to the park, NOW, and I don't mean in half an hour or an hour, be here in 1 minute or you won't know what hit you!!"
"Calm down Brice, what's wrong?"
"NOW Brady I mean it, this is very important and if you know what's good for you, you will get here NOW!!"

I knew if I didn't do what he asked he was only going to give me hell so I grabbed up Melody who was still screaming, yelled Amber to watch the babies and jumped into a cab and headed to the park.

"What's so important Brice, and why can't you learn to be less of a berry hole?"
"Forget me, I am the least of your problems, you need to get over there and talk to that Father in law of yours!!"
"Cain? Why?"
"Take a look - I thought it best you saw for yourself!!"

I looked in the direction that he pointed, then I noticed Cain which made me snigger because he was stood in the middle of the park blatantly kissing someone.
"Brice, I'm confused, so Cain is kissing someone, its about time he moved on from Apricot, but why exactly is this any of your business?"

"ARE YOU BLIND!!!  Bradey - who is he kissing - wipe those goggles of yours and look again!!"
So I looked again and this time I saw what I didn't see the first time, I knew exactly who he was kissing!!!
"O-M-G - that's ......."
"MOM - exactly - now tell me its none of my business!!"

"Where is Dad?"
"At the gymn with Brandy - he doesn't know about this but we have got to stop it before he does find out."
"What the hell is she playing at??!!"
"Sucking the face off Ambers Dad obviously, Bradey - go and stop him."
"You make me laugh Brice - why didn't you go and stop it already!!"
"He is your father in law."
"Like its all his fault, Mom isn't exactly putting up a fight there is she!!"
"Do you want me to punch you Bradey cause I will!!"

"You are all mouth Brice!! a Chicken!!!  You could have done this without dragging me down here - now hold Melody."
"No way Man I'm not holding your kid!!"
"Hold your neice or you go and face them, its your choice."
He took her off me but he was not happy about it
"She is not going to puke on me is she?"
"Brice you are pathetic!!"

As I walked across the grass towards them, I started to feel sick, Caine and my Mother,  I noticed they were not even stopping to take a breath - I hope this has not gone too far!!!

Standing there I cleared my throat loudly quite a few times in the hope that they would hear me and stop, but they just carried on going for it.  Totally oblivious that I was there, stood watching them, they were right in the middle of the park for anyone to see, what on earth must they be thinking!!  Luckily there were no paparazzi about, if there had been they would have been having a field day with this one!!


Suddenly they sprung apart.

"SHIT, Bradey!!"

"Bradey ......."
"Shut up Cain, I was speaking to my mother."
She said nothing

"Why Mom?
"Bradey, I'm sorry!!!"
"How long has THIS been going on??"
"This is the first time."

"Calm down Bradey it was just a kiss."
"JUST A KISS - that was more than just a kiss and you know it!!!"
"You are over reacting!!"
"And you are married to my Dad, unless you have forgotten!!"

"Does Dad know you are cheating on him?"
"No and you are not going to tell him!!"
"Don't tell me what to do, I just lost any respect I ever had for you."

"Bradey please don't tell your Dad about this!!"
"Just go home Mom, I am too angry to talk to you right now."
"Bradey please."
"GO HOME before I say something I might regret."

I watched her scurry away before I turned to face Cain, just to turn away again because I couldn't bring myself to  look at him.
"I never meant for this to happen, Bradey I'M SORRY!!"

I know I am very conventional, which isn't the norm these days, but he has played his part in shattering the integrity of marriage parents marriage .............. I am not sure sorry will ever be good enough.

Chapter 11

I thinks its amazing how sims are so psychic and can tell instantly when someone is doing something they shouldn't.  When Bradey started to get upset at home it took me a while to work out what was happening - Caine in the park (who i sent to the park and forgot about because he was stir crazy) kissing Bradey's mother of all the  people he could have picked on in the town - it had to be her!!!  Brice was also in the park spitting feathers.
 It was pretty funny when Bradey snatched up Melody and went marching out of the house autonomously with the upset action in his action queue.  He went to the park all on his own to shout at Caine and his mother :) Here we go again!!!!


  1. You always have someone in the family cheating and causing all sorts of drama. I didn't realize that Cain was still that young since he's got grandkids.

    1. yeah i know :/ I know why it happens its my trait picking - I still am not using a wide variety sticking to pretty much the same group :( I just cant get out of the habbit - I think i need a stint of playing with the worst traits available then i wouldnt feel so bad about giving my sims bad traits. Maybe my next project should involve evil, insane and the other awful traits so I have no choice!!

      As for Cain - well - I have been wandering about his age too since he had his birthday - he does seem to have had a very long young adult life :/ As I have not been paying any attention to his age I am wandering if something happened when I moved towns with him. He is going to be around for ever at this rate - i may have to knock some time off his adult life :( if i keep him in the house.

  2. Aw babies :D and dramatic-ness =P

    1. its a good job Cain and Bradey are giving me something - Amber is giving me nothing she is so boring :(

  3. Sims are such disgusting creatures. LoL
