Tuesday 31 December 2013

Chapter 23 - Gen 7 - Cello

Mallow was not too impressed when he thought he was actually answering his phone to Annie but I was the one sat on the other end of the call.  I didn't give him chance to say a lot to me, telling him I was coming round to talk and if he didn't open the door to me then I'd put the window through to get in if I had to!!  He said whatever and put the phone down.

He opened the door to me as soon as I got out of the car, but he didn't look at me, he walked away and left the door wide open for me to walk through.

Mallow:  "So Annie ... she let you use her phone ... are you two still at it??"
Cello:  "No!!  We broke up ages ago ... we are just friends."
Mallow:  "Funny!!  The last time I spoke to her she was furious with you ... she said she'd never speak to you again!!  I guess you two have to be at it again!!"
Cello:  "No seriously ... we are just friends, I haven't touched her!!"
Mallow:  "Yeah right .... I must be mad even listening to your crap!!!!"  he sighs  "Just make it quick Cello!!"  he stood with his back to me and it took me a moment to realize what he is doing, he doesn't even want to look at me.

I've got so many things to say I don't even know where to start ... I just hope I get to say at least half of it before he kicks me out.

Cello:  "Look at me Mallow"
Mallow:  "I'd rather not if you don't mind ... it'll just remind of what a prat I've been!"
Cello:  "I love you ... and we need to sort this mess out!!"
Mallow:  "Yeah so you keep saying but I notice you weren't quick trying to prove it ... and now I hear you've actually gone back to being HIS bitch again!!"
Cello:  "That's actually your fault, kicking me out without hearing me out and not answering my calls!!"

Mallow:  "DON'T YOU DARE blame me!!!  I have a door ... it took you A WHOLE WEEK to come back and knock on it ... don't think I was going to roll over easily after you kissed HIM, I didn't want to listen to your crap over the phone ... if you'd at least knocked on my door and tried to prove it to me, once I'd calmed down I might have listened, but you didn't come ... by the time you came, it was too late for me to believe a word you might have to say to me!!!"
Cello:  "Well if you'd spoken to me .... if you'd bothered to read my texts instead of deleting them or answered your phone to me ... just once during that week when I was calling and texting you dozens of times a day ... you would have known I was stuck at home ... my Grandmother died the very same day that you dumped me!!"  he spun round to face me
Mallow:  "I'm sorry!!  I didn't know!!"
Cello:  "That week I spent at home alone, the first time I went out was to see Annie and I broke up with her, because I love you and I couldn't do it anymore, then I came round to see you to try and put things right ... you sent me away, you slammed the door in my face, you wouldn't even talk to me .... when I got home he was waiting for me .... I never planned to get back with him .... he just got me while I was very weak ... I needed YOU and you wouldn't even talk to me ... he was there when I needed someone."

He just stood there saying nothing.

Cello:  "Annie's pregnant ... it's mine, and that's why she's having to speak to me."
Mallow:  "Really!?  She's pregnant!!"
Cello:  "I didn't plan it either before you ask, it was an accident but she's letting me have the baby, we are not getting back together, we are just working on being friends again for the babies sake and I'm supporting her financially so she's living with me until the babies born ..... then she's moving out after she's handed the baby over to me."
Mallow:  "She's ACTUALLY going to let you have the baby?"  he looked shocked
Cello:  "Not at first she wasn't .... it's costing me .... the million dollar baby .. yeah I know it was an expensive mistake!!"
Mallow:  "A MILLION!?  Do you even have that kind of money?!"  I laugh at the look on his face, why does everyone always ask me that question?
Cello:  "Yeah, a million doesn't even dent it ..... Mallow ...... I need to tell you something before you hear it from somebody else .... I need you to understand what I'm doing."

Mallow:  "Go on ....."
Cello:  "You know I told you Crystal was willing to have a baby for me ..... she might be pregnant too."
Mallow:  "YOU DIDN'T!!! ... and he actually LET YOU??!!!  Cause I sure as hell would NOT let you with my sister!!!"  I thought he was going to throw up all over my shoes for a moment
Cello:  "He doesn't know!! .... we hid it from him"
Mallow:  "Well why doesn't that surprise me Cello!!"
Cello:  "No ... he's okay-ed it, he know's it is going to happen and he's fine with it, he just doesn't know we've already done it ..... for a quiet life me and Crystal decided to do it without him knowing, cause he will kick up a fuss when ......"
Mallow:  "Cello STOP!!!!  I'm really not interested in your love life with HIM!!"  he snapped at me suddenly  "Why are you even telling me this ...."

Cello:  "I meant what I said to you that last morning we were together .... I love you .... not him .... I don't even like him anymore, I don't want to be with him ..... Mallow ....."
Mallow:  "NO CELLO!!!!  But you ARE with him aren't you!!"
Cello:  "Only because I feel like I don't have a choice."  he laughed for a moment
Mallow:  "And what's that supposed to mean?  Can't you bare the thought of being alone, on your own and single for five minutes ... oh no I forgot you are not happy unless you've got at least two on go!!!"
Cello:  "No it's not that!!!  When you finished us and wouldn't talk to me ... I went off my head ... it's what I do I start sleeping around, he's right when he told you that ... I start doing silly things, looking for something, because I'm not happy ... I backed myself into a corner sleeping with Crystal, if she's pregnant I feel like I've tied myself to him,  when she threw herself at me, I should have said No, but I didn't, and now she's gone all stupid on me ......"
Mallow:  "What do you mean by stupid?"
Cello:  "She won't leave me alone and I'm not saying no .... I'm .... I'm having an affair with her behind Chad's back .... I'm not actually sleeping with Chad ... I'm sleeping with Crystal instead."

Mallow:  "You are a serious peace of work ... Do you know that ... first your sisters boyfriend and your brothers girlfriend, now your boyfriends sister!! ... it makes me wander how you've kept your hands off your Step-Dad!!"
Cello:  "I know ... I'm Sorry!!"
Mallow:  "I still don't get why you are telling me all this?"  he snaps at me  "What does this have to do with me?"
Cello:  "Because I love you and I want us to start over ...
Mallow:  "FORGET IT!!"  we stood staring at each other for a moment  "And you're mad if you even thought I'd consider it, I could just about hack what you were doing with Annie because of this baby thing even though I hated it ... but this ... you are not satisfied with the thug and his sister, you want me too and if the truth be told you are probably still at Annie too!!  Cello you're a JOKE!!!!"

I tried to put my arms around him, he stepped backwards away from me.

Mallow:  "DON'T TOUCH ME!!"
Cello:  "Mallow please ....."
Mallow:  "No, I'm not going to be just another one of your bits on the side ... even though I do love you ... I just won't do it ... its all or nothing!!"
Cello:  "You wouldn't be a bit on the side ... I love you ... I'll get rid of them all so it's just you and me!!"
Mallow:  "You say that ... but I'm not even sure you could just do you and me ... you've done too much damage Cello ... I could NEVER trust you to be faithful to me!!"
Cello:  "I Can!!"
Mallow:  "Can you?  Really?  Truthfully ... have you EVER actually been faithful to anyone?" he asks and that's where he got me, I couldn't say anything .... because truthfully I haven't, I've ALWAYS had more than one relationship on the go at the same time.  I think he could see by the look on my face what the answer is to that question. "No I thought not!!!!  And I know you'd just treat me exactly the same ... you just can't help yourself!!!"  he said rubbing his face,  "I can't trust you, I don't do relationships without trusts, so there really is no point no matter how much I love you ..... there is nothing else to be said Cello, I think it's time you left!!"
Cello:  "You love me ... I love you ... we CAN work this out!!"
Mallow:  "I'm sorry I don't think we can ... it's time we both started to GET OVER IT!!"  he snapped at me "Now go Cello ... I don't want to look at you for a second long!!  It hurts too much!!!"

I left Mallows in a bad mood - he's not going to budge, I suppose I couldn't really blame him for thinking that I am not even capable of being faithful to one person - I haven't exactly shown him a very good example of me so far have I and telling him the truth about everything hasn't helped either.  Truthfully I'm really not sure myself if I could be faithful to one person!!! I've never done it ... I always thought it would happen when I found the right person.  Now I have found the right person ... I've blown it because I've ALWAYS told him the truth ... he's had one thing out of me that nobody else has ever had, the truth, I've never lied to Mallow, I don't know why I find it impossible to lie to him ...

Chad:  "Oh so you do remember this is OUR bed then!!  Not sleeping with Pop's tonight?"  he snaps sarcastically.  We have had tonnes of arguments over me sleeping with my Granddad, but Chad's nightmares and the fact that Granddad has struggled to sleep alone since Gran died, has helped keep me out of Chad's bed.
Cello:  "No Jake's in with him tonight, Granddad says he needs a break from me because I snore too much."
Chad:  "Well that's just peachy .. I get you by default, although I'm surprised you haven't jumped into Jake's bed ... or Annie's!!"
Cello:  "Grow up Chad!!"

We lay there for ages in silence, I had hoped to be in bed and asleep before he came to bed, trying to avoid him hadn't worked ... he was already lay on the bed reading a book when I came into the bedroom.

Chad:  "How long has it been since you even tried to kiss me?"  I nearly laughed out loud as I'm thinking not long enough, I just look at him and shrug my shoulders.  "You used to be constantly kissing me all the time back home!"
Cello:  "Yeah well I used to like you back then!!  Do you seriously think I want to be kissing you now when all you ever do is yell at me?!"
Chad:  "Well I'm not yelling at you now!"  he says as he smiles at me and leaned over to kiss me.  Oh berry I could really do without this right now!!

Chad:  "So where did you slope off to earlier?"  he didn't kiss me for long, he pulls back and scowls at me as he's tightening his grip on my fingers till he's actually hurting me, what is wrong with this guy?!  Since when did he become such a bully?  "I tried to phone you but you'd switched it off ... pretty convenient that!!"
Cello:  "I was at the library ... you have to switch your phones off there!!"
Chad:  "YOU at the LIBRARY ..... you liar!!"
Cello:  "I was at the library, reading baby books if you really must know!!"
Chad:  "Yeah right!!!

Cello:  "You know I need to take this baby thing seriously, I am the one who is going to be bringing it up and I don't have a clue, I wanted to read some baby books so I went to the library!!"
Chad:  "The LIBRARY!!??"  he said again, I know he doesn't believe me,  I'm beginning to wander if he wasn't spying on me and saw me go into Mallows.
Cello:  "Yes the LIBRARY ... where I can actually sit and read a book quietly away from your nagging, tantrums and suffocating!!"  I snap at him quite nastily, he's seriously starting to get on my nerves with his constant questioning and accusing, okay so I am lying this time but all the other times he's carried on like this I haven't been.

Chad:  "You sloped off to see HIM ..... didn't you!!??"  I dived off the bed
Cello:  "NO!!!  Did you see me at Mallows?"  I stopped for a moment, he said nothing  "NO!!!  You didn't see me at Mallows because I wasn't there .... I WAS AT THE LIBRARY!!"  he just stood there doing his genie floating thing saying nothing .... that's when I knew I could get away with this lie because if he'd seen me at Mallows he would have started kicking off royal style by now.  He's saying nothing and just staring at me trying to work out the expression on my face.  "I am SERIOUSLY getting HACKED OFF with you keep throwing Mallow at me all the time ..... every time you lose sight of me for FIVE minutes ... you're off accusing me of being with him ... WELL I'VE HAD ENOUGH Chad!!"
Chad:  "DON'T you walk away ... this isn't finished with yet!!"
Cello:  "Oh it's finished all right .... SOD OFF CHAD!!"

I didn't give him chance to say anything else ... I stormed off out of the room slamming the door pretty hard behind me.

I went down to the basement to run off my anger.  Anger because Mallow doesn't trust me enough to give me another chance and anger because of my own stupidity I'm stuck with Chad who is becoming totally impossible and I'm slowly beginning to dislike intensely.   I would really love to know where the Chad that I used to know and love has gone!!!

Forrest:  "You seriously need to sort your head out Cello!!!!! ... we can't carry on with all this door slamming, yelling and shouting all the time!!!  We seriously shouldn't have to keep having to put up with this shit!!"  Forrest came up behind me and started yelling at me which made me jump, It's not often he actually loses his temper over anything, so I know it must be seriously getting to him.  I stopped running and let myself slide off the treadmill so that I can talk to him.  "Do you seriously want that baby being born into a war zone?!"
Cello:  "No ... I don't!!  I'm sorry!!!"
Forrest:  "Then why put up with it Cello?  You are seriously stressing your Dad out ... and you know I hate to see him upset ... you need to get your head sorted out and soon for everyone's sake!!"
Cello:  "I'm trying ... but Mallow ..." shit I shouldn't have said that!!
Forrest:  "Mallow WHAT?"
Cello:  "Nothing!"  I look at him and he raises his eyebrow at me, I've stupidly said it now I may as well tell him  "I went to see him ... he doesn't trust me, I love him and I want him back ...he loves me but he won't even give us another chance because he says I can't be faithful to him."

Forrest:  "You know if you seriously want Mallow back then you really are not going the right way about it ... I really don't blame him for not trusting you!!"
Cello:  "What do you mean?!"
Forrest:  "Think about it from his point of view - while he's sat at home feeling like shit and fucking his life up, because that's what he's doing ... you are running round town sleeping with anything that smiles at you, while your doing that he's never going to trust you."  he scratches his head  "You could at least show him your serious about him but you are not even doing that are you!!  You need to be getting rid of Chad and Crystal, stop your sleeping around and try the single life for a while ... it won't kill you!! ... you need to earn his trust and that's the only way you are going to do it!!"
Cello:  "Yeah that's easier said than done though isn't it ... getting rid of Chad and Crystal, what about if she's pregnant ...."
Forrest:  "Son, you should have listened to your Dad!!!  Instead as usual you didn't listen and went in like a steam roller ... she'll give you the baby whatever happens between you and Chad, so what's more important to you Cello, hurting Crystals feeling or losing Mallow ... because that's what's going to happen, you are going to lose him .... "

"... if you haven't lost him already!!!"  he said as he walked away



  1. At least Mallow talked to him....thats a small step in the right direction. Now Cello needs to do what Forrest said, dump Chad and prove to Mallow that he is the only one for him.

    1. Yes he talked to him - wouldnt let him touch him then kicked him out because it was late - lol . I know he really does need to listen to Forrest - its that break up wish that is not coming (bashes head against a brick wall!!)
