Friday 3 January 2014

Chapter 24 - Gen 7 - Cello

I strolled past Chad in the living room trying not to even look in his direction, we have hardly spoken to each other for days, I've done everything I possibly can to avoid him because every time we even try to speak to each other we always end up arguing.  I thought he would just ignore me but he didn't he grabbed my hand.

Chad:  "Dance with me!"  he smiles at me as he starts to twirl me round ... we suddenly both start laughing
Cello:  "Are you thinking what I'm thinking?!
Chad:  "Probably ..... Prom!?"  I nod and we both carry on laughing.

It's easy to remember the fun we used to have together ... I don't know why we are not like we used to be together anymore, he has changed so much, it's actually like he is now a completely different person ... sometimes I wander if it is actually me who has done that to him.

I start to remember, Chad was taking Melody to prom, Mel was really excited and she kept on at him about how they had to dance at prom .... and Chad couldn't dance.  Me and Chad spent hours in the meadow with a radio, me trying to teach him how to dance just so that he could make my sister happy and dance with her at prom.

The slow dancing used to make us laugh the most .... and he never did get to dance with my sister at prom in the end .... because he was too busy making out with me behind the bike sheds.

Annie: "You two look proper gay dancing like that!!"  she says as she waddles past us.
Cello:  "That's because we are!!"  I laugh back at her, expecting her to laugh too but she didn't look very amused at all and carried on walking away without saying another word and Chad just ignored her completely.

My eyes follow Annie - the way she is walking and the size of her pregnant stomach caught my attention.

I carry on staring after her as she walks away and start thinking about the baby.  I'm still finding it hard to believe that my baby is growing in there ... I'm really not sure it has totally sunk in properly yet, in a few months time I am going to be a Dad and I'm going to have a baby to look after.  I wander whether it's a boy or girl, I'm not really bothered what it is but I think I'd prefer it to be a little girl.

Suddenly Chads foot came down really hard on mine.

Cello:  "Berry hole!!"  I shout at him because it really hurt
Chad:  "Sorry did that hurt you?!"
Cello:  "Yes .. you clumsy oaf!!"  I said as I'm hopping around holding my foot
Chad:  "GOOD!!! It was meant to hurt!!!"  I look up at him nastily, he did that on purpose  "I saw you leching after HER!!"
Cello:  "OH ... DON'T!!"  I snapped at him  "Grow up Chad .... I was looking at the size of the baby bump and thinking about the baby ... YOU IDIOT ... I think you've broke my toes!!  You're a BERRY HOLE CHAD!!!"  I shout at him as I start limping outside onto the patio.

I can't believe he just did that!!

Annie was sat outside eating ... great that is just going to set him off again if he comes after me and finds me sat out here with Annie!

Annie:  "What's up with your foot?" she laughs as she watches me hop across to one of the chairs.
Cello:  "That berry hole, he just stamped on my foot on purpose because I was looking at the size of your bump!" she carries on laughing quite loudly  "It's NOT funny Annie!!"
Annie:  "Oh its funny that he hurt you .. I can't believe you let him bully you!!!"  She suddenly looks cross and starts waving her finger at me  "I'm NOT HAPPY about this situation Cello ... how can you want him round the baby?  I don't want my baby living in this MAD HOUSE the poor thing will never get any sleep with you two constantly screaming and shouting at each other!!!  I've permanently got a headache!!"
Cello:  "Oh don't you start ... I came out here for some peace and quiet, not another lecture!!"

Annie:  "I'm being serious Cello, I seriously don't trust him not to hurt the baby and I'm sick of him calling it a brat!!!  I've got half a mind to tear up that damn contract of yours and just take the baby anyway .. especially with what you've done with Crystal ... you conned me good and proper!!"
Cello:  "Please Annie I don't want to fight with you, we've already had this conversation and I'm getting tired of it .... anyway you can stop your stressing ... he will be gone before or soon after the baby arrives anyway!!"
Annie:  "Oh so you are slowly coming to your senses then!!  If you are planning on getting rid of him then why not do it now ... right now and do us all a favour!!"
Cello:  "You know its not that easy .... because of Crystal!"
Annie:  "Oh you and your damn conscience ... it's a shame that conscience of yours stops working the minute you think about unzipping your trousers ... then we wouldn't all be in the mess we're in now!!!"
Cello:  "Says she who should have taken precautions after she got sick ..... you let it mess up your damn pill ... it's actually your fault we are in this mess!!!"
Annie:  "Ouch!!"  she says sarcastically as she starts laughing  "I suppose I'll have to let you have that one!"

Annie:  "So how's it going with Mallow?"
Cello:  "It's not, he did see me the night I phoned him off your phone, but now he won't talk to me again!"
Annie:  "Well you only have yourself to blame for that!!  Mallow's a really nice guy, he deserves a lot better than a jerk like you!!"
Cello:  "Annie I don't want to talk about it ... just change the subject!!"  she sits there laughing at me for a moment, she really enjoys laying the boot in ... but I suppose I can't blame her after the way I've treated her.
Annie:  "There is something I've actually been meaning to ask you ... baby names ... does that contract of yours say I can't help decide the name of my own baby?"
Cello:  "Don't be stupid!!  Of course you can help me!!"

Annie:  "Thought of any names yet?"
Cello:  "Well I was thinking ... the last two generations of our family have all been musical names ... so I thought about sticking to the same theme."
Annie:  "Yeah that is pretty cute ... I love your Dad's name ... I'll have to think of some ... what names can't we use?"  I reeled off all the names of my uncles and aunts and my brother and sisters names.  "I love the name Lyric, we could always name it after your Dad if it's a boy!"
Cello:  "No, it's always been complicated having two Melody's in the family .... I want him or her to have their own name." She frowned at me then
Annie:  "Cello why haven't you asked to feel the baby bump yet, you act like you're not interesting in the baby ... your Dad and Forrest never leave it alone!" she starts laughing
Cello:  "I didn't think you'd let me!"  she smiled at me  "So can I?" she nodded

Annie:  "If you're quick he's moving about."  she grabbed my hand and placed it on her bump, straight away I could feel the baby moving around under my hand.
Cello:  "I think she's kicking my hand!!"  I start laughing as I can feel a thumping feeling underneath my hand.
Annie:  "The little bugger is never still ... I'm getting kicked and punched all over, I swear there is more than one in there!!!"  I look at her for a moment, I had never actually thought about there being more than one ... I am a triplet, my Dad is a twin, there have been a lot of twins in our family.
Cello:  "You know that could be a possibility, there have been a lot of multiples in our family ... you never know, she might not be alone!!"  this made me smile, the more babies the merrier.
Annie:  "She?!  It's a he - I want a boy!!"
Cello:  "Well I want a girl!"

I really can't wait for this baby or babies to arrive!!  I suddenly felt excited, hoping there is two babies in there!!

I started to work out a lot to avoid Chad.  He hates physically exercise and I knew while I was down there he would leave me a lone.  Forrest was happy with my sudden interest in working out all the time, little did he know I was just doing it as a distraction, using it to run off my frustration of Mallow refusing to speak to me again and a way of avoiding Chad.

While I was running on the treadmill I could hear Forrest and Jake talking closeby and I suddenly wandered why I hadn't talked to Forrest about Mallow, he works with him, maybe he might be able to talk some sense into Mallow to at the very least answer his phone to me.

Cello:  "Fancy a game of ping pong?"  he eyed me suspiciously then laughed to himself
Forrest:  "What is it Cello? The only time you ever want to hang out with me is when you want something! So come on ... spit it out!"
Cello:  "Busted!!"  I start laughing  "I was wandering if you would talk to Mallow for me ....."
Forrest:  "Wow!! Stop ... I'm not getting mixed up in your love life and I'm certainly not doing your dirty work for you!!  Cello, what I said to you the other day obviously didn't sink in did it, HE is still here, besides, Mallow's not really talking to me at the moment!"
Cello:  "Why isn't he talking to you?"
Forrest:  "Why do you think ... YOU ... besides I've done nothing but constantly bollock him lately because of what YOU have done to him ... you've turned him into a wreck!!  The only reason he's still got his job is because I know yet again ... it's your fault!!!  He's just another one of your victims!!"
Cello:  "Look .... I've stopped seeing Crystal and there is nothing going on with me and Annie .... I'm working on getting rid of Chad, he's just difficult!!" he starts laughing  "All I wanted you to do is talk Mallow into answering my calls."
Forrest:  "Sorry ... until you show me you are serious about Mallow I'm not getting involved in your mess ... when that idiot has gone and when you are single and NOT sleeping with ANYONE, then I MIGHT think about having a word with him!!"
Cello:  "FINE!!"

Forrest:  "You said you'd stopped seeing Crystal ..... I hope that doesn't mean what I think it means!!"  Shit!!  I've just dropped myself right in it!!
Cello:  "Yeah ... probably!!"  I mutter quietly without looking at him.  He threw the ping pong ball across the room in temper.
Forrest:  "You're an IDIOT Cello ... tell me you've been sneaking around with Crystal behind Chad's back!!  Like you was sneaking around with Mallow behind Annie's back"  I nodded but kept my eyes to the floor  "WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU!?  I'm beginning to think you've got a problem .... where the hell do you find the energy from?  Is THAT all you ever think about?"  I started laughing at the expression on his face.  "Wait till your Dad finds out ... he is going to hit the roof!!"
Cello:  "Don't tell him .... he doesn't need to know!!  He know's I've slept with her once trying for a baby ... he doesn't need to know I've been having an affair with her!!!"
Forrest:  "Sorry ... I am not keeping your dirty little secret, especially not from your Dad!!"  he starts to run his hand through his hair  "Christ Cello .... she's definitely going to be pregnant now isn't she!!?? ... and you want me to help you get Mallow back ... you're a joke!! ... I actually like Mallow, he deserves better than you ... the quicker he wakes up and get's over you the better ... I wouldn't wish you on my worst enemy!!!"  he snapped and walked off.

Of course Chad started moaning about the hours I am putting in down in the basement working out when he says I should be working on my guitar skills for work instead.  I suppose he did have a point, I also need to start working on my four instrument skills for my life time wish because I've hardly done anything towards it yet.

The only thing we seem to be able to do together without having an argument these days is play our guitars together.

I have been making a point of not only trying to avoid Chad but Crystal too, which has been a lot harder.  She keeps texting and calling me, and I'm just ignoring her totally.  I know why she's phoning me, I know exactly what she wants, me to sneak round there ..... I've lost count of the amount of times I've snook off to spend the afternoon in her bed.  While I've no been sleeping with my own boyfriend at all, I have been constantly sleeping with his sister ... it scares me a little, I can't help but keep thinking that what me and Crystal have, I could quite easily live with it, I could actually see myself settling down with Crystal even if she is a woman, it's comfortable, I enjoy being with her more than I've ever enjoyed being with any woman, I'd much rather be with Crystal then Chad right now..

I should have known, trying to ignore her was just going to cause trouble eventually.

I should have known ignoring her would just bring her to my front door.


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